Join me on my anonymous blog

I am not new to blogging but I am new to anonymous blogging.

I would love you to join me as I recapture my upbringing and relive some of my experiences while I ‘blog out’ my childhood. I feel an urgency to write about my time (so far) on this earth. It is not all pretty, but it is important. There is a lot I need to overcome now that I am a mother and I hope this blog can help me and also other people who have had similar experiences.

Why do it anonymously?

This blog will be extremely personal and very detailed. My mother is a narcissist and still to this day I have quite an unhealthy fear for her. Out of respect, I have chosen to keep it as a faceless story.

I Hope you can cry with me, laugh with me, grow and learn with me as Its one hell of a story and I’m sure one that Hollywood movies are made of.

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